Canadá – México Combatiendo la Obesidad Infantil
CAMBIO logo 
Canada – Mexico Battling Childhood Obesity
Espanol link      English link

PLEASE NOTE: The CAMBIO Program ran from 2007 until 2012 and has been completed.
The website here is an ARCHIVED SITE. Thank you for your interest!

The CAMBIO archived website can also be accessed through the
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen's University (CAMBIO ARCHIVES)

Faculty, collaborators and students have continued working on the great work that CAMBIO started.
VISIT SKHS, Queen's University, or view the names of our Faculty and Collaborators to look up their continuing projects online.
In Mexico, follow updates on the OBESIRED

The CAMBIO Program was funded through a Tesdale-Corti Team Grant and the Global Health Research Initiative.

The following pages are provided as an archive of some program activitites, including short courses, newsletters and articles. The original site is no longer in operation ( and email addresses with the orignal domain name are not operational. As the site is not maintained, some links may be non-functional - we apologise for any issues. If you are looking for our team members, please look them up through current institutional searches. You may find updates on new, larger, and on-going projects that began as small studies and collaborations for the CAMBIO Program!
Thank you to our Funders, Team Members, Students, Collaborators. We proudly supported research and training in four countries (Mexico, Canada, Kenya and the US). Congratulations to our graduate students and professionals!

Una colaboración entre / A collaboration between:
Universidad de Guadalajara, México, and Queen's University, Canada

Fondos provenientes de / With funds provided by:
IDRC (International Development Research Centre) Canada, on behalf of GHRI (Global Health Research Initiative)

Logo Universidad de Guadalajara          IDRC Canada      Logo Queen's University

Website created and maintained by researchers at the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies,
Queen's University, Kingston, ON, Canada © 2009
Comments: Gabriela Ibarguchi  (
Web content and pictures are for educational, non-commercial uses only. Permission has been obtained for displaying content not created by CAMBIO; when authors or sources could not be contacted, the original sources or authors are credited or cited. We thank all contributors.