Gabriela Ibarguchi



Ibarguchi, G. 2014. From Southern Cone arid lands, across Atacama, to the Altiplano: biodiversity and conservation at the ends of the world. Biodiversity (Online early, Oct. 30, 2014): 1-10 (Abstract; pdf)
Liolaemus lizard
Drylands harbour unique biodiversity and evolutionary novelty but these habitats are under threat.
Christensen, T., J. Payne, M. Doyle, G. Ibarguchi, J. Taylor, N.M. Schmidt, M. Gill, M. Svoboda, M. Aronsson, C. Behe, C. Buddle, C. Cuyler, A.M. Fosaa, A.D Fox, S. Heiðmarsson, P. Henning Krogh, J. Madsen, D. McLennan, J. Nymand, C. Rosa, J. Salmela, R. Shuchman, M. Soloviev, and M. Wedege. (2013) The Arctic Terrestrial Biodiversity Monitoring Plan. Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program. CAFF Monitoring Series Report Nr. 7. CAFF International Secretariat (Arctic Council). Akureyri, Iceland. ISBN 978-9935-431-26-4 (Terrestrial Plan)

The Terrestrial Plan will serve as a framework for monitoring Arctic terrestrial biodiversity.
Ibarguchi G., Gaston A.J., and Friesen V.L. (2011) Philopatry, morphological divergence, and kin groups: structuring in thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae) within a colony in Arctic Canada. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 134-150
Murres on Ledge
Many seabirds are strongly philopatric and show within-population structure; are family groups common?
Ibarguchi G., Friesen V. L., and Lougheed S. C. (2006). Defeating numts: Semi-pure mitochondrial DNA from eggs and simple purification methods for field-collected wildlife tissues. Genome 49: 1438–1450 (Abstract)
Deciphering species hybrid zones: heteroplasmy, recombination, or nuclear homologs?
Ibarguchi G., Gissing G. J., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T. and Friesen V. L. (2004). Male-biased mutation rates and the overestimation of extra-pair paternity: problem, solution, and illustration using Thick-billed Murres (Uria lomvia, Alcidae). Journal of Heredity 95(3): 209-216 (cover article) (Abstract)

Fathers pass on more mutations to their offspring. Photo for cover: K. Woo
Ibarguchi G., Birt T. P., Warheit K. I., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. (2000). Microsatellite Loci from Common and Thick-Billed Murres, Uria aalge and U. lomvia. Molecular Ecology 9: 638-639

Tools for parentage analysis and population genetic studies
  • Ph.D. - Queen’s University, Kingston (2011)
    Biogeography and diversification of the Andean seedsnipes (Charadriiformes: Thinocoridae): An Antarctic avian lineage?
  • M.Sc. - Queen’s University, Kingston (1998)
    A study of kin groups and genetic structure in a philopatric seabird, the thick-billed murre (Uria lomvia; Alcidae)
  • Hon. B.Sc. - University of Toronto, Scarborough (1994)
    Does kin selection drive the evolution of sociality in lace bugs (Gargaphia tiliae)?
Ibarguchi, G. (2012) Alpine plants to waterbirds: Antarctica as a source of cold-hardy lineages around the world. (Newsletter -
Gaston, T., Provencher J., Ibarguchi G. (2011) Studies of Marine Birds at Coats Island, 2010 (Technical report for the Government of Nunavut and Environment Canada).
Janssen I., Jiménez-Alvarado J. A., González Álvarez C., Ibarguchi G., Héroux M., and López-Taylor J. R. (2010) Overview of obesity research in Mexico. (Report available from Red Mexicana para el Combate de la Obesidad – OBESIRED Network)
Ibarguchi G. (2005) Diversificación de la Avifauna Andina: Las agachonas (Fam Thinocoridae). Informe 2005. (Report submitted to CONAF[National Parks] and SAG [National Wildlife Service], Chile, and Administración de Parques Nacionales and Provincial Natural Resources, Argentina) (Report link)
< Attagis gayi plumage variation. Photo: G. Ibarguchi
Ibarguchi G. (2002) Diversificación de la Avifauna Andina: Las agachonas (Fam Thinocoridae). Primer Informe Anual. (Report submitted to Secretaría de Turismo y Áreas Protegidas, Chubut, and Administración de Parques Nacionales, and eight Provincial Natural Resources offices, Argentina) (Report link)
< Thinocorus orbignyianus, Mendoza. Photo: G. Ibarguchi
Ibarguchi G. (1999) Estimates of evolutionary divergence and phylogenetic relationships within Cracidae and among other basal birds. (Report submitted to the Canadian Museum of Nature) (Report pdf)
< Crax rubra. Photo: Jesus Estudillo López, UNAM
Ibarguchi G. (2012-ongoing). BIOGEOGRAPHY and CONSERVATION BIOGEOGRAPHY. Online resources: and Under development - take a look!
Ibarguchi G. (2013). World Fisheries Day Event - Queen's University & Society for Conservation Biology (page)
Ibarguchi G. (2013) and Students (course ENSC-320, Queen's University). Wildlife Windows (Reports on wildlife issues around the world: home page)
Ibarguchi G. (launched 2007; main research program was completed in 2011) Online resource: Canada-Mexico Battling Childhood Obesity (CAMBIO Research Network). (Bilingual website and newsletters for researchers and the public in Mexico, Canada, US, and Kenya)
Ibarguchi G. (present; launched 2005) Thinocoridae. Online resource:; website for information on the avian family Thinocoridae, research reports, and identification key. (Site is undergoing a major update - stay tuned!)
An informal guide on green tips:
Booklet: Little green ideas for a BIG GREEN PLANET (format: printed book or electronic view )
Little Green Ideas book
THINOCORIDAE: an identificaiton guide (pdf: updated version; full website here)
  • 2013: Ibarguchi G. Life at the extremes: Diversification, ecology, and conservation of birds in harsh environments. Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, B. C. (Invited seminar)

  • 2013: Ibarguchi G. Hemoglobin evolution at the ends of the Earth: Adaption to cold and hypoxia in extreme environments. Evolution 2013 Conference (Joint meeting: Society for the Study of Evolution, Society of Systematic Biologists, and American Society of Naturalists). Snowbird, Utah

  • 2012: Ibarguchi G. Out of Antarctica, into the cold: overlooked diversification of hardy alpine, polar, and temperate lineages around the world. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) – Open Science Conference, Portland, Oregon (Seminar and related Poster)

  • 2012: Ibarguchi G. Polar mountains, Antarctic ancestry, and cold-hardy lineages around the world: the Andean seedsnipes (Thinocoridae) as a test case. First Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology, Ottawa (Special presentation, Mayr Symposium)

  • 2012: Ibarguchi G. Workshop on Data Analyses and Research Resources for Health Sciences. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa. (CHEO and for collaborating hospitals in Mexico)

  • April 2012: Ibarguchi G. Shaped by the cold: morphology and insight into the ecology and evolution of the enigmatic South American seedsnipes. National Wildlife Research Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa

  • 2011: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., Tubaro P. L., Cabot-Nieves J., McCracken K. G. and Friesen V. L. Diversification of the Andean seedsnipes (Thinocoridae: Charadriiformes): an Antarctic lineage? Department of Biology, Queen’s University

  • 2010: Ibarguchi G., Convey P., Friesen V. L. Hardy Antarctic lineages in cold regions of the world: the Andean seedsnipes (Thinocoridae) as a test case. National Wildlife Research Centre (CWS), Ottawa, Canada

  • 2009: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., Tubaro P. L., Cabot-Nieves J., McCracken K. G., and Friesen V. L. Antarctic lineages and brave new worlds: A test case using seedsnipes (Thinocoridae). 10th International Biology Symposium, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, Hokkaido University, Japan

  • 2007: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., and Friesen V. L. Family, fatherly and feathery secrets revealed: lessons from an Arctic seabird. Invited Seminar and Fundraiser for SalvAide Program (fosters development in El Salvador) at Algonquin College, Perth, Ontario.

  • 2007: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., Tubaro P. L., and Friesen V. L. Into the Andes: the search for high-altitude seedsnipes and their Antarctic ancestors. Invited Seminar for Ban Righ Centre, Queen’s University, Ontario.

  • 2005: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., Tubaro P. L., and Friesen V. L. Out of Antarctica and into the Andes: Antarctic origins of biodiversity and the diversification of the Andean seedsnipes. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, USA. (Seminar)

  • 2005: Ibarguchi G. and Gissing G. ‘Ecological Equivalence’ Distance: Quantifying the ‘barrier’ effect of mountains. Evolution (Joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the American Society of Naturalists). Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. (Poster presentation)

  • 2005: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Murres of a feather nest together: morphological and kin clusters in an arctic seabird. Evolution (Joint meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution, the Society of Systematic Biologists, and the American Society of Naturalists). Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. (Oral presentation)

  • 2005: Ibarguchi G. and Friesen V. L. RAMPs as alternatives to microsatellites in studies of parentage and relatedness. Canadian Society of Zoologists, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. (Poster)

  • 2005: Ibarguchi G. 'Ecological Equivalence' Distance: Quantifying the 'barrier' effect of mountains (a pilot project). Behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution Research Seminar Series, Queen's University, Ontario. (Seminar)

  • 2004: Ibarguchi G., Tubaro P. L., and Lougheed S. C. Preliminary notes on the nesting behaviour of the Least Seedsnipe (Thinocorus rumicivorus). American Ornithologists' Union 122nd Meeting, Université Laval, Québec, QC. (Poster)

  • 2004: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., and Friesen V. L. Defeating numts: the avian egg as an 'almost pure' source of DNA for obtaining reference sequences. American Ornithologists' Union 122nd Meeting, Université Laval, Québec, QC. (Poster)

  • 2004: Friesen V. L., Poland V., Ibarguchi G., Piatt J., and Hovey A. Molecular evidence for recent, in situ differentiation in Pigeon Guillemots. American Ornithologists' Union 122nd Meeting, Université Laval, Québec, QC. (Oral presentation by V. L. Friesen)

  • 2003: Ibarguchi G., Tubaro P. L., and Lougheed S. C. Out of Antarctica, into the Andes: Diversification of the Seedsnipes (Thinocoridae). VII Neotropical Congress/ VII Congreso Chileno de Ornitología, Puyehue, Chile. (Oral presentation)

  • 2002: Ibarguchi G., Tubaro P. L., and Lougheed S. C. Cenozoic biogeography and early diversification of Andean Birds: the seedsnipes (Aves: Thinocoridae). Ontario Ecology and Ethology Colloquium, Queen's University, Ontario. (Poster)

  • 2001: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Gissing G. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Overestimating extra-pair paternity and underestimating mutation: Lessons from Thick-billed murres. American Ornithologists' Union 119th Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, and EEB Seminar Series, Department of Biology, Queen's University, Ontario. (Oral presentation)

  • 2000: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Family affairs of our Arctic neighbours: kinship in the Thick-billed Murre. Kingston Field Naturalists Seminar Series, Kingston, Ontario. (Seminar)

  • 1999: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Kin clusters in a philopatric seabird: A tale of two genomes. National Wildlife Research Centre (CWS), Hull, QC. (Seminar)

  • 1999: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Kinship and genetic structure in the philopatric Thick-billed Murre. American Ornithologists' Union 117th Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. (Poster)

  • 1999: Gissing G. J. and Ibarguchi, G. Conservation and Avian Mating Systems: A Case Study in South American Tinamous. National Wildlife Research Centre, Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario.

  • 1999: Ibarguchi G., Lougheed S. C., and Friesen V. L. Speciation and evolutionary divergence within Cracidae and among other [basal] birds. American Ornithologists' Union 117th Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (Poster)

  • 1999: Gissing G. J., Eadie J. A., and Ibarguchi G. Complete Role Reversal, polygynandry, and communal breeding in a South American tinamou, Eudromia elegans. American Ornithologists' Union 117th Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. (Oral presentation by G. J. Gissing)

  • 1999: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Kinship and genetic structure in the philopatric Thick-billed murre. Evolution, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA. (Poster)

  • 1998: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. Kin clusters in a philopatric seabird: A tale of two genomes. Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. (Seminar)

  • 1998: Ibarguchi G. and Gissing G. J. From North to South. G. L. Roberts High School, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. (Seminar for students to learn about career possibilities in Biology)

  • 1998: Ibarguchi G., Gaston A. J., Boag P. T., and Friesen V. L. A study of genetic structure and kin groups in Thick-Billed Murres. Pacific Seabird Group 25th Meeting, Monterey, CA, USA. (Poster)

  • 1997: Gissing G. J. and Ibarguchi, G. Cooperation and Conflict in a Communal Breeding System: Reproductive Skew in a Polygynandrous Tinamou. Behavioral and Evolutionary Ecology Research Group, University of California, Davis.

  • 1994: Ibarguchi, G. and Eadie, J. Kin selection and the evolution of sociality in the lace bug Gargaphia tiliae. Life Sciences Seminars, University of Toronto, Scarborough.